15 February 2013

Different ways to enter Apple iPad contest: Blog Post - Send a 500-word or greater blog post to sales@thepapertiger.com telling everyone how you use Paper Tiger.

I purchased The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version a few years ago after I got married and needed to consolidate all of my paperwork with that of my husband.  My main use, of course, is for my filing cabinet which contains active content and what I call 'ancient' archive content.  You never know when you might need to use some of this 'ancient' content for present use; personal or business. 

We were both very busy at the time I purchased The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version.  My husband was working full-time and I was a full-time student and mother of two.  We had just bought and remodeled our home.  We did all of the work ourselves.  So, you can imagine how busy and tired we were.  

Using the Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version was very easy and self-explanatory.  I not only used it for my filing cabinet but I also have used it for organizing my closets that have both of our past memorabilia stored.  All I have to do is open up The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 on my Desktop Version and I can find all of my important files or memorabilia.

I have always tried to be organized but what I did not know at the time of my purchase of The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version how vital its use would become.

On August 13th, 2012, me and my husband were involved in a car accident.  We were rear-ended by a teenage boy who was driving on a suspended license.  This Monday was the first day of our vacation and we were only a few miles from our home when the wreck occurred.

The car sustained minor damage; however, I suffered a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Whip Lash.  Among other injuries, I lost my long-term and short-term memory.  Needless to say, with the pain and memory loss my everyday living was and has been very difficult. 

Not long after the accident, I received a call from my daughter needing some important information that normally I would be able to tell her from my memory.  I could not remember the information that she needed; however, I did remember that I had The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version on my computer.  I told her I would have to look up the information, IF I had filed it and I would tell her what she needed to know. 

Thankfully, I was able to open The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version and look-up the information that she needed, call her back and give it to her.  I was so relieved that I had organized all of my important files and at-a-glance can find everything that I need in spite of my long-term and short-term memory loss!!

I have started searching my family history after the accident in order to improve my memory and cognitive skills and once I feel better I plan on adding those files to The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version, also. 

I continually use The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version to find and archive paper files, memorabilia, photos, Christmas decorations and the list could go on-and-on.

Winning an Apple iPad at this point and time could really improve my chance for a full recovery as there are many apps available for traumatic brain injury patients, such as myself.  I follow brainline.org and there are some fantastic Life-Changing iPad apps for people with brain injury. 

Daily life continues to be a struggle even after six months of recovery time.  I am so thankful to have The Paper Tiger Professional 4.1 Desktop Version to make my life more organized and less stressful!!

04 February 2013


The following document has been in my family for as long as I can remember. The Thompson document was chosen because it had the best quality for digitization. The other Genealogical and Historical Sketches include the surnames of Lyle(s), Alexander,Head and Long. These documents are made from an early type of paper that is very fragile and has become ripped and yellowed with age.

I am only beginning my journey into my family's history and genealogy so I decided to consult an expert on the accuracy and authenticity of the documents. According to Diane L. Richard a Professional Genealogist at Mosaic Research and Project Management;
The following ASG history page seems to indicate this organization may have been less than reputable: http://www.fasg.org/ASGHistory.html -- which says "From its inception the Society has fought actively against agencies which sought to delude the public for profit by misusing genealogy or heraldry. Early in the Society's history, Milton Rubincam, with the cooperation of the U.S. Postal Service, forced dissolution of the Media Research Bureau that sold genealogical data "on your family name" along with coats of arms.
Hi Roberta, Thanks again for sending the pages of the publication. I took a look and my observations are as follows. I find it suspect in the sense below. At best it might offer "clues" about your family surname and I am doubtful that it is about your family. I could be wrong and with no specific documents mentioned, it's hard to "really know."

1. Notice that it focuses on very very early "ancestors" and talks about them in some generality.

2. Though there is a resource list, none of the data points in the write-up have a footnote or endnote pointing to a specific source.

3. There is a chance that what is written is not wrong - it could be accurate as far as what it says. The real question is whether it's "your" family. Probably not as there is "no" connection to the more modern generations (that I saw).

4. When talking about the earliest Thompson family members, it's easy to limit what is reported. And, not every Thompson in the US came from the "first" families -- many other people emigrated after the earliest waves.

5. If you were able to work back on your own Thompson family line and it seems to then dove-tail with what is stated in this publication, I would then use what it contains as clues to then look for documents to support what it suggests is the lineage. Unfortunately, there were many "scams" perpetuated on unsuspecting folks related to genealogy (just as today we still have scammers) before "governing" bodies came into play. It still happens today though not on a wide-scale basis. I'm sorry that this is not what you wanted to hear. And, since you did ask, I think it's important to be honest. If you have any further questions about this or anything genealogical, feel free to drop me an e-mail.
Diane :-)    
dianelrichard@mosaicrpm.com              www.mosaicrpm.com

I would like to thank Diane L. Richard for taking the time out of her busy schedule in order to take a look at my documents. As I mentioned to her in an email, I am disappointed that my family was potentially 'scammed' but I am pleased, however, to find out the truth about the accuracy and validity of these documents. Even though I may only use the documents for general reference, I do plan on keeping these original documents just because they are a part of my family's history. I am happy to keep them just for that reason alone!!
I wanted to include her findings as a warning to others who may have these Genealogical and Historical Sketches in their files.  
To view the complete document click on read more.